The reeds are light, easy to bend when wet or damp, and locally available. Reed and twine were ideal materials for making the statues' internal framework. When modeled, the wet plaster took the impressions of the reeds and twine, which are beautifully preserved on the inside surface of the statue.
Over time, this reed core disintegrated, leaving behind the plaster 'shell' of the statue and a hollow interior. The reed core provided a sturdy form onto which the plaster was modeled. The bundles of reeds were lashed together using twine.
9) Validity Certificate if any of father or relative which is issued by scrutiny committee. 6) Affidavit Caste Certificate for ST Caste (Form-A-1). A plant core The statues were formed by modeling wet plaster on a reed core, using plants that grow in Jordan along streams and rivers.įORM - IA FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SC / ST / OBC CERTIFICATE To. How were the statues made? Of what materials? Single Collection Crazy Ken Band Rar more. This is ' ONE' way they formed statues thousands of years ago, here is an excerpt and the site.